Listen Smart – Safely Handling the Power of Sound

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Can You Hear This?

Hearing Test:

Sound Levels:

Listen Smart – Safely Handling the Power of Sound

  • Hearing loss can be gradual, or instantaneous
  • Listening smart, is listening in a way that enriches you but cannot hurt you
  • Sound is measured in decibels, or strength of sound
  • Hearing damage will start at 90 decibels, if in that environment for more than 8 hours
  • You should not listen to something at 100 decibels for more than 2 hours
  • Sound above 120 decibels should be avoided completely
  • Pain in the ears will begin at 125 decibels
  • A concert, can expose you to 140 decibels of sound, about the same amount as a jet airplane’s takeoff
  • Long term exposure to loud sound can permanently damage your hearing abilities
  • one out of twelve 30-year olds in the U.S. are hearing impaired
  • If your ears are ringing and you feel bad the next day (after hearing a loud noise) it is called a temporary threshold shift
  • ringing in the ears can be permanent
  • signs of hearing damage: Ringing, pain, or loss of hearing high pitches,
  • The best medicine is prevention (earplugs, standing further away, take a break, avoid stimulants For Audio Career Tips

  • musicians, and actors (if there is a band) are constantly exposed to loud sound
  • length of exposure effects hearing ability just as much as loudness
  • Employers and employees of concert halls, pubs, or other public places are responsible for protecting the hearing of all workers
  • Be aware and control the amount of noise you are hearing on a constant basis
  • Instruments like brass and percussion can cause the highest level of noise
  •  Teachers of  a music class are responsible for their students, and their own hearing

Chart of Sound in the Environment

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